So It Goes…
The Incompetent Crew achieve maximum Vonnegut.
Works Cited
Kurt Vonnegut on the Future of the United States
Kurt Vonnegut on the Shape of Stories
Kurt Vonnegut How to Write a Short Story
A Brief Biography-Kurt Vonnegut Library
Harrison Bergeron film
Thorium Based Nuclear Power Tangent
Radio Playlist
Born Ruffians - Kurt Vonnegut
Library Voices - Things We Stole From Vonnegut's Grave
Kevin Coyne - Children's Crusade
Grass Mirror - Tralfalmadore
Snapped Ankles - Letter from Hampi Mountain
Sweet Billy Pilgrim - No Jesus in Here
Sieben - Vonnegut
Lukid - Ice Nine
Kurt Vonnegut & Dave Soldier - Folly
The Phantom Band - Galapagos
Boogarins - San Lorenzo
Matthew Dear - Good to Be Alive
Listen on Mixcloud (includes all the above songs): So It Goes…
Or play/download the podcast version below, with the above songs replaced with music by Focusbird: